Publication 2017
Selected peer-reviewed articles directly linked to the funded projects:
Gloaguen P, Curien G et al., ChloroKB:a web-application for the integration of knowledge related to chloroplast metabolic network. Plant Physiol. 2017 Apr 25. pii: pp.00242.2017
Botella C, Jouhet J and Block MA. Importance of phosphatidylcholine on the chloroplast surface. Progress in Lipid Research, 2017, 65: 12-23
Degraeve-Guilbault C, Bréhélin C, Haslam R, Sayanova O, Marie-Luce G, Jouhet J and Corellou F. Glycerolipidome peculiarities of the smallest green picoeukaryote Ostreococcus tauri. Plant Physiology, 2017, 173(4): 2060-2080
Dolch LJ, Rak C, Perin G, Tourcier G, Broughton R, Leterrier M, Morosinotto T, Tellier F, Faure JD, Falconet D, Jouhet J, Sayanova O, Beaudoin and Maréchal E. A palmitic acid elongase affects eicosapentaenoic acid and plastidial monogalactosyldiacylglycerol levels in Nannochloropsis. Plant Physiology, 2017, 173(1): 742-759
Kanduc M, Schlaich A, De Vries A, Jouhet J, Maréchal E, Demé B, Netz R and Schneck E. Tight cohesion between glycolipid membranes results from balanced water-headgroup interactions. Nature Communications, 2017, 8:14899
Meï CE, CussacM, Haslam RP, Beaudoin F, Wong YX, Maréchal E and Rébeillé F. C1 metabolism inhibition and nitrogen deprivation trigger triacylglycerol accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana cell cultures and highlight a role of NPC in phosphatidylcholine-to-triacylglycerol pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 7: article 2014
Michaud M, Prinz WA and Jouhet J. Glycerolipid synthesis and lipid trafficking in plant mitochondria. FEBS Journal, 2017, 284(3): 376-390