Ayla Biallas works at Bioscience & Bioengineering for Health Lab (BGE).
Her project: Tissue self Organization and mechanobiology.
Hello, I am Ayla from Germany. In December 2024, I will begin my PhD at the BGE lab at CEA, under the supervision of Maxim Balakirev from BGE/Biomic and Alice Nicolas from LTM/MINASEE. My research will focus on tissue self-organization and mechanobiology.
During my studies in Molecular Medicine (B.Sc., Freiburg, Germany) and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Diplôme d’ingénieur, Strasbourg), I developed a profound interest in stem cell biology, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.
Tissue formation is a highly regulated morphogenetic process, requiring iterative interactions among cells and cell groups to guide cellular differentiation and self-organization into complex macroscopic structures. The ability to create biological tissues in vitro holds immense promise for translational research, regenerative medicine, and drug testing. Current in vitro approaches for tissue biofabrication aim to mimic the natural steps of tissue morphogenesis.
My PhD project aims to develop a technology that, through a combination of cells, morphogenetic and mechanical cues, and an appropriate microenvironment, enables the robust self-organization of macroscopic tissue-like structures, tissuloids.
I am excited to embark on this doctoral program and look forward to living in Grenoble, a city at the foot of the mountains, perfect for my love of outdoor climbing and adventure.