Research – Phase 1 – From 2011 to 2014

Supporting scientific projects by the implementation of 2 pilot projects

The main goal of the two pilot projects is to develop new experimental strategies and new integrated approaches on well-established scientific domains. Thanks to these two projects, new collaborations between the 3 institutes have emerged.

Axis 1: Host-pathogens interactions – Budget: 1 534 564 €

Within the first period of funding, 3 internal calls for proposal were launched in 2012, 2013 & 2014 on axis 1 “Host-pathogens interactions”. The projects were evaluated by the internal science board., following three main criteria :

  • The scientific interest and impact of the project and its adequacy with the scientific objectives of axis 1;
  • The GRAL objective: “Integrative aspects” of the project (aiming at bridging molecular and cellular aspects);
  • Collaborative aspects between the 3 GRAL institutes.

Results: 19 deposited projects / 10 financed projects. Recruitment of 6 PhD students and 5 Post-Doc + associated benchfees.

Head of the Selected Project Name of the Selected Project Recruitement
Call 1 2012 Ruigrok, Schoehn Pseudo-atomic model of the influenza virus polymerase Alice TISSOT – PhD
Attrée, Blanchoin, Dessen, Schoehn Deciphering assembly, function and structure of molecular nanomachines of the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa Tosi Tommaso – Post Doc
David Lebl – Post Doc
Vernet, Dessen, Gordely, Bourgeois Structure and function of the divisome: a membrane protein complex involved in septation of pneumococcus. Maxime Jacq – PhD
Weissenhorn, Schoehn, Fauvarque, Blanchoin Visualizing ESCRT-III at HIV-1 budding sites Jens Radzimanoski – Post Doc
Call 2 2013 Gutsche, Attrée Lysine decarboxylase-based acid stress response in E. coli and in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Diego Carriel – PhD
C. Petosa , C Masselon,
P Morand / J Lopo
Nuclear export of a viral ribonucleoprotein Mizar Oliva – PhD
Call 3 2014 Philippe Huber , A. Dessen, G. Schoehn Proteolytic activity of a novel hyper-virulent strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the context of host-pathogen interaction. Emeline Rebout – PhD
MO Fauvarque,  W.Weissenhorn Exploring ESCRT-III/USP8 interaction in endocytosis and autophagy Carmen Aguilar – Post Doc
 Jean-Pierre Simore, W. Weissenhorn Structure of HIV-1 gp41 fusion intermediate conformation that is the target of broadly neutralizing antibodies Maya Martinez Roberto Carlos – Post Doc
Cécile Breyton, W. Burmeister, G. Schoehn How do siphophages perforate the bacterial envelope Charles Adrien – PhD

Axis 2: Intracellular compartmentalization of the metabolism and the functions of the chloroplast – Budget: 1 197 000 €

The outlines of the GRAL Axis 2 pilot project were defined from the beginning. The project is transversal on the 3 institutes of the Labex and aims at a better understanding of how structurate organization at all scales controls chloroplast functions.

UVHCI – Post Doc –  Guy SCHOEHN Team To be recruited
IBS – Post Doc – Eva Pebay-Peyroula Lab Hubert Mayerhorfer
IBS – Doctorant – JL Ferrer Team Sarah Mas Y Mas
LPCV / iRTSV -CDD Engineer Lucas Moyet
CDD Computer scientist IHM
Pauline Gloaguen
CDD Computer scientist IHM
To be recruited
iRTSV – PhD – 50% GRAL Emeline Sautron
iRTSV – PhD – 50% GRAL César Botella
PhD – 50% GRAL To be recruited
PhD – 50% GRAL To be recruited